‘Exemplars for Our Time’ with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Exemplars For Our Time is a collection of short, photographic essays aimed at introducing a new generation of young people to some of the greatest living Muslim sages of the 20th and 21st centuries. In traditional Islamic societies, living sages are the embodiment of spirituality and enlightenment, serving as inspirational role models for their communities. […]

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The Quranic Supplications Series E-Book

Supplications, or du’as, are a powerful communication between a servant and their Creator. They reflect our reliance on Allah and our recognition of His infinite mercy and power.  Deepening Faith Through Supplications The 28 supplications mentioned in Key Supplications from the Quran by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani encompass various aspects of our lives and guide us […]

Read More The Quranic Supplications Series E-Book

The Blessings of Sending Salawat upon our Beloved ﷺ

—Compliance with the Command of Allah—the Perfect and Most High.
—Conformity with Him—He the Perfect—in sending salaat upon him
—Conformity with the Angels in it.
—Attaining ten salawaat from Allah
—That he is raised by ten levels.
—That he has ten good deeds written for him.
—That ten sins are erased from him.
—That it is to be hoped that his supplication will be responded to if he precedes it with that.
—It is a means to attain his (ﷺ) Intercession,
—It is a means for forgiveness of sins.
—It is a cause for Allah to suffice the servant with regard to whatever concerns him.
—It is a means for the person to gain nearness to him (ﷺ) on the Day of Resurrection…
—It is a cause for the fulfillment of your needs…

Read More The Blessings of Sending Salawat upon our Beloved ﷺ

17 Benefits of Tribulation by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

1. You realise the power of Lordship over you
2: You realise your abject servanthood and your complete state of resignation and brokenness before the will and power of Allah
3: Sincerity to Allah
4. You return to Allah and are suddenly fervent in your desire of your Lord
5. It leads to a humbled state before God
6. You are forbearing to the One who has afflicted you.
7. You can actually forgive them
8. To be patient during the tribulation
9. To actually be happy, glad about what is happening because of these benefits
10. To be grateful for it because of what are contained in there of the benefits
11. The purification that these calamities have towards your wrongs and your sins
12. Allah enables you to show to people that are in tribulation and to help them
13. Tribulations give you the blessing of having true knowledge of the extent of blessing
14. What Allah has prepared from the blessings of the reward of the akhirah based on these varying ranks
15. What is hidden inside in the folds of these calamities are blessings
16. Tribulations prevent you from arrogance and from evil, pride, tyranny
17. Contentment

Read More 17 Benefits of Tribulation by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf